Saturday, February 22, 2020

Idea of the Third World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Idea of the Third World - Essay Example The term ‘third world’ is in real meaning a derogatory term used to describe these developing countries. The only ‘advantage’ that this term can get is ‘aid’ from the West. History has shown that in the past these so-called ‘third world’ countries were exploited, and completely stripped of their wealth by their colonial rulers, the very countries which now refer them as ‘underdeveloped’. As Irogbe, speaking about these colonial rulers comments â€Å"They did not hesitate to create and finance political parties in opposition to real nationalist ones†¦ used various other means to make sure that they handed over to those who would continue with the colonial policies in the nominally independent countries†¦Thus, a crucial problem of underdevelopment is that in this process of dependency there is a convergence of interest between the local or internal bourgeois and the external capitalist oligarchies†. All t hese nefarious dealings often made the development of these newly formed countries very slow and an uphill task. The word ‘third world’ until today, carries a picture of malnourished, non-whites living in abject poverty, which is not true anymore. Countries like China, India, and much more from the so called ‘third world front’ have put their economies in a strong position and are fast progressing to catch up with ‘developed world’. They are touted as the future powers and are in the process of taking charge of modern day world economy. Thus, we find the term ‘third world’ does not carry much meaning now, especially with the dissolution of USSR.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Facebook Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Facebook - Research Paper Example In the view of such vulnerable position, the state legislative entities have shown their concern regarding the state of security being provided by Face book. Senate has shown its interest in bid to make Face book more secure (Teschler 2010). The aims of the paper is to evaluate the present state of Face book services, its security functions, the potential loopholes and safety that is offered by Face book, assess the level of concern shown by different segments and the possible changes that may be made in order to make Face book more effective and less insecure. Face book has become the most famous and successful social network in the internet world. According to Alexa, a website the specializes in the determination of the ranking of the web sites, Face book is the runner-up behind the famous search engine Google (Alexa 2012). However, surrounding the Face book revolution and evolution drama, there have been controversies, speculations and rumors about the privacy policy of this, first social network in the world. Recently, the issue received considerable attention from the media. Therefore, there are two sides, those who agree with the policy of Face book and those who are against the Privacy Policy. The issue has ballooned during the recent revolutions in the world, especially "The Arab Spring". The reason is that planning for the revolutions happened on pages or within groups on Face book specifically. Because of this, some Governments have to stand against the policy of Face book. For example, Saudi Arabias King Abdullah had wanted to buy out Face book for $150 billion because he was very upset with Mark Zukerberg, who is the CEO of Face book, for allowing revolt Face book pages in Egypt and Libya to be formed (BBC 2011). According to Mark Zukerberg, it is the users themselves, who seek such an expanded option list and further, people are less insecure due to the prevailing trends that have evolved over