Thursday, December 26, 2019

Symptoms And Treatment Of Dr. Giovanni Essay - 2183 Words

Question 1 What is the significance of his results? (10 marks) The results of Mr. Giovanni indicate that he has a number of issues. Analysing the admission results, Giovanni has a very high blood glucose level exceeding the normal limits of 4-7 mmol/L (Carlson Castro 2016). It can be suggested that Giovanni is a Type 2 diabetic patient. This can be backed up by his current signs and symptoms. Polydipsia has occurred due to excess glucose that has built up in the bloodstream causing the fluid in the tissue to be pulled out (Carlson Castro 2016). This leaves the patient feeling thirsty which results in the patient drinking more fluid leading to polyuria. Giovanni also describes feeling fatigue which is a symptom of type 2 diabetes. As cells are deprived of the required glucose it will cause the patient to feel very tired (Carlson Castro 2016). The blurred vision Giovanni is experiencing has happened due to the high blood glucose levels causing fluid in the lens of his eye to be pulled out (Carlson Castro 2016). This has caused Giovanni to have disrupted focus in his vision. It is also very common in diabetic patients to develop tingling sensations and oedema in the peripheries which Giovanni is also currently experiencing. The pain Giovanni feels when ambulating and the tingling in his peripheries are an important sign of diabetic neuropathy (Carlson Castro 2016). Over time, diabetes can cause damage to the nerves in the body. This is more common in patients whoShow MoreRelatedHumoral Concept, Anatomical Theory and the Germ Theory Essay746 Words   |  3 Pageshumors this imbalance results in disease or the disability in the physical health or mental health of an individual. In (1682 – 1771) an Italian physician named Giovanni Battista Morgagni did an in depth study of the Anatomical Concepts of Disease. 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